What are types of information security
Information security: a science or area that examines how to protect information and data and their systems, and provides appropriate ways and means to that end, and the area of information security is one of the areas of computer science; Computer science is closely related to this area. (InfoSec).
Areas of information security related to information security:
1 Internet security.
2 Network security.
3 Secure mobile phones.
The area of information security is concerned with: Protection of information from hacking, unauthorized access, unauthorized use, espionage and access by intruders, destruction, modification, inspection, reproduction, registration, distribution, and dissemination. Information security professionals look for the necessary protection of information on the best ways, ways, and means to secure information from all the above-mentioned hazards.
Other threats from which the field of information security is concerned include: Malicious software, whose name is abbreviated as follows: Malware, examples of such software include: Viruses, worms, Trojans, this malware is the biggest enemy of computers, information systems, and networks;
That is because their risks are high, and their surprises are high; They negatively affect the functioning of the computers they enter, operate in them, may be used to steal information and data from computers and networks, or spy, and may lead to the spoilage, loss or destruction of information.
Importance of information security
There is no doubt that the area of information security is of great importance, and this importance is reflected in the above; This area secures information and protects it from the dangers surrounding it, and provides protection and security for computers from previously spoken malicious software, which is the largest enemy of computers.
The field of information security is a vital, renewable and much-needed area, which is absolutely indispensable. bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctorate, this specialty is taught at universities.
What's the importance of cybersecurity?
The importance of cybersecurity covers various areas of life in our modern world, the most important of which are mentioned below:
1 Cybersecurity protects technological systems from automatic penetration, especially with the great technological development of the world, where more than one device can connect to a single information and data exchange network, which is unsafe and makes it easier for hackers to attack electronically.
2 Cybersecurity provides optimal protection for government systems and institutions against cyberattacks, especially since many government transactions and services have been switched electronically, so any attack or hacking may result in a complete disruption of the Internet system and thus disruption in some areas of life.
3 Cybersecurity is concerned with the protection of the commercial sector; If a commercial network is hacked or cyber-attacked, it will cause as much damage as managers and staff lose their jobs.
4 Personal protection of individuals against the hacking of personal information, as well as the identity, and bank accounts, putting them at risk of extortion and theft.
Cybersecurity protects individuals and companies from the risk of industrial espionage and exposure to various cybercrimes.
The importance of cybersecurity includes the protection of States and State institutions that rely on technology for their financial, commercial, industrial, and other dealings, as well as the protection of individuals from being exposed to cyber attacks from theft, damage to their personal data, and sensitive information, whether using mobile phones or personal computers.
Cybersecurity provides new opportunities for technology and security work against cyberattacks; It opens a door of awareness and jobs for those interested in this important area, coupled with our increased use of the Internet, social networks, and sharing data for online accounts that can often be unsafe and porous at any time.
What's the importance of cybersecurity for the financial sector?
Cybersecurity plays an important role in the financial sector because it is one of the sectors that seek to stop cyber hackers, as it is a way to prevent illegal money-making through cyber attacks involving extortion, theft, fraud, etc.
To help you research more broadly, some points show the importance of cybersecurity in the financial sector:
1 Protection of financial applications
Banks are recently turning to apps that can be uploaded to smartphones to facilitate customer service, and cybersecurity is protecting such apps from being hacked.
2 Protection of electronic shopping
Online shopping has gone viral lately, whether to buy clothes, electronics, food, etc., through various websites or applications, and the function of cybersecurity is to protect customers from theft during an electronic payment.
3 Bank data protection
Banks maintain personal financial customer information, and cybersecurity protects this data from hacking, tampering, and theft, which can damage the bank's reputation and loss of customers, as well as carry significant losses, and may amount to legal accountability in some cases.
4 Protection of personal financial statements
Cybersecurity protects personal financial data such as credit cards from being robbed, or the user is subject to fraud to obtain such information.
5 Prevention of sabotage of electronic financial services
Banking services may be vandalized or removed in different ways, depriving customers of access to and use of these sites, and cybersecurity in such cases will protect these services from being hacked, manipulated, and vandalized.
6 Reduction of financial losses
When the bank is hacked, it can disrupt its computers, causing additional financial losses, as cybersecurity aims to reduce this.
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